Yellow Eye Mullet
(Aldrichetta forsteri)

Yelloweye mullet (Aldrichetta forsteri) is a small, schooling species that inhabits estuaries and nearshore coastal waters along Australia’s southern coast from Kalbarri in Western Australia to the Hunter River in New South Wales, and around Tasmania. Yelloweye Mullet occur over sandy and muddy substrates to depths of 20 m, and are often abundant in estuaries. This species is considered a marine estuarine-opportunist, i.e. spawns at sea; regularly enters estuaries, particularly as juveniles, but also uses coastal marine waters as alternative nursery areas. The biological stock structure of Yelloweye Mullet throughout southern Australia is poorly understood. Available data suggest the populations in this geographic region form two discrete biological stocks, i.e. the Western and Eastern Stocks. The South Australian populations on the Far West Coast are thought to contribute to the Western Stock, while populations in Spencer Gulf, Gulf St Vincent and the South East are thought to be part of the Eastern Stock.

In South Australia, the Yelloweye Mullet is a fast growing, short-lived species that attains a maximum length of 440 mm and maximum age of 10 years. Females mature at around 240 mm TL, while males mature at around 250 mm TL. They have a protracted spawning season from winter to early autumn, with spawning most frequent during December–February.

Source:  Assessment of the South Australian Marine Scalefish Fishery in 2018.  Report by PIRSA


Typically found along sheltered sandy beaches, the West Coast, Lower Spencer Gulf and Gulf St Vincent are key producing regions.


South Australia – Sustainable

Source:  FRDC


Traditionally, this schooling species exhibits all year round availability. Production peaks in Summer and Autumn with key months being November, February with May and September the lowest. Production can vary due to migratory patterns strongly influenced by environmental conditions.

 Suite 27, 6-8 Todd Street, Port Adelaide SA 5015
